Bando comunitario:"Digitale, Industria e Spazio - Programma Orizzonte Europa - XI^ scadenza".

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Scadrà il 19 marzo 2024 l’undicesima tranche degli Inviti a presentare proposte inerenti all’Invito ‘Digitale, Industria e Spazio’. I progressi nelle tecnologie digitali e industriali, incluse quelle spaziali, influenzano tutti i settori dell'economia e della società.

La pandemia COVID-19 ha dimostrato la necessità di rafforzare la base industriale europea per ridurre la dipendenza dell'UE dai Paesi terzi. In un mondo globalizzato, caratterizzato da incertezze crescenti e interessi geopolitici volatili, la posta in gioco non è solo la prosperità e la competitività economica dell'Europa, ma anche la sua capacità di approvvigionarsi e fornire autonomamente materie prime e tecnologie.

Gli investimenti proposti nell'ambito del Cluster 4 hanno come scopo la realizzazione della visione globale di un'Europa leader in settori chiave, consentendo una produzione e un consumo che rispettino i confini del nostro pianeta e massimizzando i benefici per tutte le parti della società nei diversi contesti sociali, economici e territoriali dell'Europa.


HORIZON-CL4-2024-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-03 – Novel paradigms and approaches, towards AI-powered robots – step change in functionality (AI, data and robotics partnership) (RIA)

HORIZON-CL4-2024-DATA-01-01 – AI-driven data operations and compliance technologies (AI, data and robotics partnership) (IA)

HORIZON-CL4-2024-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-22 – Fundamentals of Software Engineering (RIA)

HORIZON-CL4-2024-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-04 – Industrial leadership in AI, Data and Robotics boosting competitiveness and the green transition (AI Data and Robotics Partnership) (IA)

HORIZON-CL4-2024-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-31 – Pilot line(s) for 2D materials-based devices (RIA)

HORIZON-CL4-2024-HUMAN-01-34 – Support for transnational activities of National Contact Points in the thematic areas of Digital, Industry and Space (CSA)

HORIZON-CL4-2024-DATA-01-03 – Piloting emerging Smart IoT Platforms and decentralized intelligence (IA)

HORIZON-CL4-2024-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-54 – Smart photonics for joint communication & sensing and access everywhere (Photonics Partnership) (RIA)

HORIZON-CL4-2024-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-21 – Open Source for Cloud/Edge to support European Digital Autonomy (RIA)

HORIZON-CL4-2024-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-42 – Stimulating transnational research and development of next generation quantum technologies, including basic theories and components (Cascading grant with FSTP)

HORIZON-CL4-2024-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-45 – Quantum sensing and metrology for market uptake (IA)

HORIZON-CL4-2024-HUMAN-01-07 – Collaborative intelligence – combining the best of machine and human (AI Data and Robotics Partnership) (RIA)

HORIZON-CL4-2024-DATA-01-05 – Platform Building, standardisation and Up-scaling of the ‘Cloud-Edge-IoT’ Solutions (Horizontal Activities - CSA)

HORIZON-CL4-2024-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-23 – Public recognition scheme for Open Source (CSA)

HORIZON-CL4-2024-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-34 – Synergy with national and regional initiatives in Europe (CSA)

HORIZON-CL4-2024-HUMAN-01-06 – Explainable and Robust AI (AI Data and Robotics Partnership) (RIA)

HORIZON-CL4-2024-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-55 – Photonics Innovation Factory for Europe (Photonics Partnership) (IA)

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Sito realizzato con il finanziamento della Commmissione europea - Rappresentanza in Italia Rappresentanza in Italia della Commissione europea

Contatore visite

Italy 77,3% Italy
Germany 14,3% Germany
United States of America (the) 3,3% United States of America (the)



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